Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I'm a Grump

Ever have one of those days where it just starts off wrong? Yeah, me too. Today as a matter of fact is one of those days. I won't bore you with the details of it all, but starting the day with any type of adrenaline rush before your feet it the floor isn't a way that I suggest starting your day. 

Today, I am struggling with my attitude. This is more like me at the moment. 

I know that I will spend the rest of the day fighting to keep my inner Grumpy under control. Somedays are just like that. The good news is that my Jesus loves me even when I have a bad attitude (or as a friend used to say, a "bad-a-tude"), and he is working daily on changing my "bad-a-tude" into a "glad-a-tude" (an attitude of gladness). 

I hope today you have a "glad-a-tude", and I'm going to do my best to have one too! 

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