Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lots of Changes

First of all, I've got an update on Trey, the kid mentioned in my last post. Since then, Trey has been diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer. It's crazy that a 15 year old kid is battling the disease is only every battled by adults. Trey is the youngest person on record with pancreatic cancer. The doctors has started chemo this week, it is a new form of treatment that was approved by the FDA 6 months ago. I am praising the Lord for this because it is an advancement in such a devastating disease. It may seem difficult for some to see good in such a devastating situation, God is at work in our community! There are so many people that don't know Trey or his family but who are sending cards, messages, etc. Today, I was so touch to learn that two radio stations are showing their support for Trey by having "13 hours of pray for Trey" and "!3 days of pray for Trey". (Trey is football jersey number is 13). Keep praying for Trey as he and his family as they walk through chemo treatments, good days and nights, and some more difficult days and nights. 

Second, we, the Husband and I, have made a lifestyle change. We have decided to begin the South Beach Diet. My blood pressure is too high and my doctor isn't too happy about it, as I'm sure you can guess. I am trying to avoid medication (although genetics aren't on my side) and this is one part of trying to lead a generally healthier lifestyle. So far, I don't feel like eating through the plastic wrapper around the bread that still in the pantry. One day at a time, one meal at a time. This isn't easy, that's for sure, but it's for the best. We, our little family of 2 (4 if you count the kitties) needs this change, easy or not. 

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